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Power Outages. A what-to-do guide. Part 2: What to Do During a Power Outage

2022-11-22 14:53:54 1159

Power Outages. A what-to-do guide. 

Part 2: What to Do During a Power Outage

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Now you have prepared your home for power outages. When the situation hits, stay calm and follow the instruction below to get through the time. 


- First, check to see if the power outage is limited to your home. If your neighbors’ power is still on, check your circuit breaker panel or fuse box. If the problem is not the breaker or a fuse, check the wires leading to your house. If they are obviously damaged or on the ground, stay at least 10 meters back and notify your electric supply authority. Keep the number along with other emergency numbers near your telephone.


- If your neighbors’ power is also out, notify your electric supply authority. 


- Turn off all appliances and electronic equipment. Turn the thermostats for the heating system down to the minimum. There are two reasons for that. First, turning off appliances and heating system can prevent damage from power surge when the power comes back on. Second, it is easier for power to restore when there is no heavy load on the electrical system. 


- Leave 2 lights on, one inside and one outside. So that you and the hydro team will be notified when the power comes back on. 


- Only open your fridge when it is very necessary. Foods in a freezer usually stay frozen for 24 to 36 hours if the door remains closed. 


- Never use charcoal or gas barbecues, camping heating equipment, or gas/propane/diesel generator inside your house. Use a power station or solar generator instead. Carbon monoxide from burning can be life-threatening, and you might not be aware of that since it's odorless. 


- Do not leave candles unattended. Use proper candle holders. Put out the candle before going to bed. 


- If you have no internet access and no cellular signal, listen to your battery-powered radio for updates about the blackout and advice from your local government. 


- Use a surge-protecting power bar to protect sensitive electrical appliances, including TV and computers.


- If you use a gas/propane/diesel generator, make sure you use it outdoor and follow the manufacturer’s advice. If you use a solar generator, you can use the power station indoor and at night. Remember to charge it with solar panels during day time to keep your power station juiced. 


In the case of evacuate


There are chances that you will be evacuated from your house if there is a power outage. For example, your house may be uninhabitable during winter times without heating and hot water supply. Taking the following precautions to protect your house. 


- Turn off the main breaker or switch of the circuit-breaker panel or power supply box.


- Turn off the water main where it enters the house. Protect the valve, inlet pipe, and meter or pump with blankets or insulation material.


- Drain the water from your plumbing system. Starting at the top of the house, open all taps, and flush toilets several times. Go to the basement and open the drain valve. Drain your hot water tank by attaching a hose to the tank drain valve and running it to the basement floor drain. ( If you drain a gas-fired water tank, the pilot light should be turned out — call the local gas supplier to re-light it.)


- If your house is protected from groundwater by a sump pump, clear valuables from the basement floor in case of flooding


- Add some anti-freezer to your toilet bowl, sink, and bathtub traps. 



No one likes uncertainty in life, and power outages are one of the most uncomfortable situations in modern life. However, as long as you are prepared and know how to encounter, you will be okay. Stay calm, stay tuned, and stay safe. 


The next part of this guide will tell you what to do after the power returns. 


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