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Power Outages. A what-to-do guide. Part 3: What to Do After Power Returns?

2022-12-13 11:19:01 1052

Power Outages. A what-to-do guide. 

Part 3: What to Do After Power Returns? 

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Good news! The power has returned. Now, what’s the next step? Depending on how long was the blackout, you may want to follow the following steps to ensure that everything in your house comes back as normal. 


- Do not enter a flooded basement unless you are sure the power is disconnected.


- Do not use flooded appliances, electrical outlets, or switch boxes unless they have been checked by a qualified electrician. 


- Replace the furnace flue (if removed) and turn off the fuel to the standby heating unit.


- Before switching on the main electric switch, check to see if your appliances such as TVs, computers, microwaves, etc. have been unplugged. We mentioned that in Part 1 of this guide. The power surge may damage your appliances. 


- Let the electrical system stabilize before connecting all your appliances back on. Turn on the heating thermostats first. Wait for 2 minutes, then reconnect the fridge and freezer. Wait for another 10 minutes before reconnecting all your appliances. 


- Close the drain valve in the basement. 


- Turn on the water supply. Close the lowest taps first and allow air to escape from the upper taps. 


- Check your food in the fridge. Remember the ice cube we advised you? See if it has melted to infer if the food has spoiled. 


- Reset clocks, timers, and alarms.


- Restock emergency kit and supplies. 


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